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Showing posts from September, 2013

Simple Chef Cookbook Example - Create a user

To begin writing a cookbook, the first thing you need to do is to create a cookbook with boilerplate content via running knife command: knife cookbook create newuser . For this simple cookbook, we will edit three basic contents; attributes, metadata, recipes. First let's go over metadata. Content of metadata is some hints about cookbooks for the server; dependencies, licence, version and other general information. These helps to do correct deployment to clients.

Chef-Server Yuklenmesi (tr)

Bu post, debian tabanli sistemler icin yazilmistir. Diger sistemler icin sadece komutlar farkli olacaktir, izlenilen adimlar aynidir. 1. Chef-server-install  linkine tiklayin. Buradaki sayfada 'chef-server' tabini secin. Chef-server kurmak istediginiz sunucunun ozelliklerini girin. Size verilen linke kullanarak yukleme dosyasini indirin.