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Solve MYSQL Error 1045 (28000): Access denied

Most of mysql users will face with a login error, when they try to login with another user name into mysql db on localhost. I am one of them. Typically, these commands are run:

> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'fatih'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'istanbul';
> quit;

Then, we try 'mysql -u fatih -p'. This ends with an error : 'ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'fatih'@'localhost' (using password: YES)' 

It doesn't seem reasonable at first look and to figure what is going on out, passwords and grants are usually checked as first action. However, both will not work, because granted from '%' behaves unexpectedly if you try to login a mysql db in your computer. Since localhost is resolved to in /etc/hosts file, mysql interprets the login attempt from user 'fatih' as fatih@localhost which doesn't have permission to authenticate.

There are two ways to handle this issue.

Specify another ip address to which any domain name is resolved in /etc/hosts file. Call command 'ifconfig', and pick up eth0 ipv4 address. When you call the command 'mysql -u fatih -p -h', you will be able to login. When you run 'select user()' command, you will get 'fatih@' The point there, there should not be any line which do resolving for this particular ip address in /etc/hosts file.

As second option, you can give grants for a user from specific domain name. In this case, this domain name is localhost.

  • Login mysql shell with root user <root@localhost privilege is defined as default>. 
  • Run mysql command : "grant all privileges on *.* to fatih@localhost identified by 'istanbul';"
  • Quit mysql console, then login with user fatih : 'mysql -u faith -p'. Once you login, if you type select user();, you will see that you have been logged in as fatih@localhost.
A user from other hosts will be able to login if they are granted with '%'. But this will not work if login attempt and mysql server are in the same host. This article is for explaining this ambiguity.

Easy to do, hard to discover ;)


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